Home Reality in business Accenture Life Trends 2023: AI boosts creativity

Accenture Life Trends 2023: AI boosts creativity

door Anne van den Berg
Accenture Life Trends 2023

New technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and web3 will stimulate creativity and the focus on communities and data privacy in the coming year. That is the most important prediction from the recent Accenture Life Trends 2023. The report is based on input from the consultancy firm’s global network. All trends also indirectly influence how the metaverse will develop.

The key trends from Accenture Life Trends 2023 impacting the development of the metaverse are:

  • AI stimulates creativity: one of the technologies on which the metaverse is based is AI, according to the interview we had with Accenture. According to the trend report, AI is becoming more widely available and this technology stimulates creativity. Anyone can easily create texts, images and music with AI. The only question is how organizations will use AI to distinguish themselves and add value for customers.
  • The future of loyalty: according to Accenture, there is an increasing need for community building. Communities offer security in this unstable and constantly changing world. The use of communities is therefore also essential for creating real bonds with customers. The metaverse may be an expression of this.
  • Work is more personal than ever, according to Accenture Life Trends 2023. Although Accenture emphasized digital encounters for onboarding in times of corona, they now indicate that personal and chance encounters are crucial for mentorship, innovation, culture and inclusiveness.
  • Control over own data: according to the trend report, consumers are increasingly taking control of their own data. And that is also possible thanks to digital wallets and tokenisation. According to Accenture, this is a positive development, also for organizations, since the data that people do share is much more valuable.

The overarching trend that Accenture started with in its report was the permanent crisis that demands flexibility. Sohel Aziz, managing director France, the Netherlands and Belgium at Accenture Song says: “Due to the many events in the world and in the lives of consumers, the concern to be in control of their own lives is greater than ever. This has a huge impact on the relationship between brands and organizations. But it also offers opportunities: it offers companies the opportunity to build new, fresh relationships with customers.”

The complete Life Trends 2023 report can be found here.

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