Home Real hardware Digitalization in Construction Sector Becomes Standard Practice

Digitalization in Construction Sector Becomes Standard Practice

door Marco van der Hoeven

BIM World 2023, held last week in Munich, provided a clear insight into the current state of digitalization in the construction sector. It is evident that digitalization has now become a standard practice in this field. The focus has shifted from the ‘why’ to the ‘how’ – how companies and their clients can benefit from digitalization is the prevailing question.

The market for digitalization in construction, including digital twins, continues to grow each year. This was particularly evident at BIM World 2023, where a wide range of providers from all corners of the industry were present, not just from the traditional construction world. Digitalization initiatives are emerging from providers of physical construction materials, established software companies, startups, VR providers, and robotics manufacturers.

This diversity suggests that the market may see consolidation in the near future, as many offerings appear similar. For users, the focus seems to be primarily on speed and accuracy, with price playing a less prominent role.

Ultimately, it all revolves around data – collecting, processing, and utilizing data to make processes more efficient. Cloud technology is becoming increasingly important in this regard, often used in conjunction with AI, where the cloud provides the necessary computing power. BIM World 2023 showcased a dynamic and rapidly evolving market, indicating that the advance of digitalization in the construction sector is unstoppable.

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