Home Reality in society ITU keeps working on Metaverse

ITU keeps working on Metaverse

door Pieter Werner

In 2023, despite all the negative sentiment, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has made significant strides in shaping the future of the metaverse through the approval of various deliverables by the Focus Group on the Metaverse (FG-MV). These deliverables, spanning technical reports, specifications, and guidelines, reflect the comprehensive approach ITU is taking to address the multifaceted aspects of the metaverse. This article provides an overview of these contributions, highlighting their significance and potential impact.

WG1 – General

  • FGMV-01: Exploring the Metaverse: Opportunities and Challenges (July 2023) This technical report delves into the potential and hurdles of the metaverse, offering a foundational understanding for stakeholders.
  • FGMV-02: Metaverse: An Analysis of Definitions (October 2023) By analyzing various definitions, this report aims to clarify the metaverse concept, promoting a common understanding.
  • FGMV-20: Definition of Metaverse (December 2023) This technical specification provides a formal definition, setting a standard for future metaverse-related discourse and development.
  • FGMV-21: Principles for Building Concepts and Definitions Related to Metaverse (December 2023) Outlining key principles, this report guides the development of concepts and definitions, ensuring clarity and consistency.

WG2 – Applications & Services

  • FGMV-09: Power Metaverse: Use Cases Relevant to Grid Side and User Side (October 2023) Focusing on energy, this report explores how the metaverse can revolutionize both supply and consumption.
  • FGMV-22: Capabilities and Requirements of Generative AI in Metaverse Applications and Services (December 2023) This specification assesses the role of AI, defining what’s needed for its effective integration into the metaverse.

WG3 – Architecture & Infrastructure

No deliverables listed for 2023.

WG4 – Virtual/Real World Integration

No deliverables listed for 2023.

WG5 – Interoperability

  • FGMV-19: Service Scenarios and High-Level Requirements for Metaverse Cross-Platform Interoperability (December 2023) Addressing a critical aspect, this specification outlines the scenarios and requirements to achieve seamless interoperability across platforms.

WG6 – Security, Data & Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Protection

  • FGMV-06: Guidelines for Consideration of Ethical Issues in Standards that Build Confidence and Security in the Metaverse (October 2023) This report provides ethical guidelines, aiming to foster trust and security in metaverse standards.
  • FGMV-10: Cyber Risks, Threats, and Harms in the Metaverse (December 2023) Identifying potential cyber dangers, this report is pivotal for developing robust security measures.
  • FGMV-11: Embedding Safety Standards and User Control of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in the Development of the Metaverse (December 2023) It focuses on safeguarding privacy and ensuring user control over personal information.
  • FGMV-12: Children’s Age Verification in the Metaverse (December 2023) This report addresses the crucial issue of protecting minors in the metaverse.
  • FGMV-13: Responsible Use of AI for Child Protection in the Metaverse (December 2023) It highlights the ethical use of AI to safeguard children in digital realms.

WG7 – Economic, Regulatory & Competition Aspects

  • FGMV-07: Policy and Regulation Opportunities and Challenges in the Metaverse (October 2023) Exploring regulatory landscapes, this report discusses the potentials and challenges in policy-making for the metaverse.
  • FGMV-14: Regulatory and Economic Aspects in the Metaverse: Data Protection-Related (December 2023) It delves into the economic and regulatory considerations, particularly focusing on data protection.

WG8 -Sustainability, Accessibility & Inclusion

  • FGMV-03 to FGMV-05, FGMV-08, FGMV-15 to FGMV-18 (October & December 2023) These documents collectively address the critical areas of sustainability, accessibility, and inclusion, providing guidelines, design criteria, and requirements to ensure the metaverse is welcoming and sustainable for all.

The deliverables from ITU’s FG-MV in 2023 represent a holistic approach to understanding and shaping the metaverse. From defining core concepts and addressing technological integration to ensuring ethical, secure, and inclusive environments, these documents lay the groundwork for a future where the digital and physical worlds coalesce in harmony and innovation. As these deliverables are implemented and built upon, the promise of a well-structured and beneficial metaverse comes closer to reality.

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