Home Reality in research Meta invests $2.5M in academic research

Meta invests $2.5M in academic research

door Anne van den Berg

Meta has announced a $2.5 million investment in independent academic research in Europe. This research should reveal the possibilities and risks of the metaverse. For example, a TNO study into the future of work is being financed. Also, studies on privacy, security and inclusiveness receive a financial boost from Meta’s XR Programs and Research Fund.

Edo Haverman, head of public policy in the Netherlands and Belgium at Meta, says about the fund that the organization has set up: “Collaborations with TNO, for example, are crucial because they study important questions about how these new technologies should be developed. We want to ensure that the opportunities and enthusiasm for the metaverse are accompanied by responsible development.”

Academic research into the metaverse

One of the studies funded by Meta’s XR Programs and Research Fund is TNO’s research. The Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) focuses its academic research on the future of work. The study is led by Dr. Omar Aziz Niamut and Dr. Sylvie Dijkstra-Soudarissanane. They assess whether new technologies such as social extended reality applications reduce the disadvantages of remote working.

According to Meta, the metaverse is changing the way people connect with each other, both privately and in business. While Meta expects the social experiences to become closer, they also see the dangers. In a statement they write: “[…] the technologies behind the metaverse must be inclusive. People need to feel safe using the technologies.”

Collaboration is crucial

Collaboration is crucial in the development of the metaverse because the metaverse will not be built and managed by one company. It is a collaboration between legislators, civil rights groups, academics, developers, companies and the people who will use the technology. In addition to the collaboration with TNO, Meta supports research from six other European academies and institutions.

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