Home Reality in business Wellstar offers VR emotional intelligence training with Moth+Flame

Wellstar offers VR emotional intelligence training with Moth+Flame

door Anne van den Berg

Wellstar Health System held its first-ever VR emotional intelligence training in May 2022. They collaborated with Moth+Flame, who delivers this kind of VR. The training was so successful that Wellstar decided to expand its collaboration with Moth+Flame. They want to train employees in navigating difficult conversations and testing resilience in emotional charged environments.  

The first VR emotional intelligence training that Wellstar did with Moth+Flame was recommended by 97% of the attendees. Thanks to the training, participants experienced a reduction in their anxiety around difficult conversations by 57%. This successful pilot led to Wellstar’s decision to offer VR trainings around emotional intelligence much more often. And to work with Moth+Flame to deliver these trainings.

VR emotional intelligence training by Moth+Flame

“The realism within Moth+Flame’s VR experiences, from using real-life actors, dramatically increases the emotional connection to the content and helps learners retain the information they learn. We are grateful for Moth+Flame’s partnership in helping introduce VR to our leaders,” said Steven LeClercq, executive director of learning and onboarding at Wellstar Health System.

The VR emotional intelligence training encourages Wellstar’s employees to build composure and gain practical experience in highly realistic scenarios. This helps to navigate difficult conversations and testing resilience in an emotionally charged environment. This experience helps the employees to develop strategies to build situational awareness and prioritize composure, critical thinking, and conscious emotional responses when engaging in triggering conversations.

Train in VR for real-life difficult situations

“We believe strongly that immersive learning is the future of learning and builds more confidence through practice,” said Kevin Cornish, CEO and founder at Moth+Flame. “Using virtual reality puts you inside of a difficult conversation and gives you a chance to learn in a safe simulated environment.” With the VR emotional intelligence training, Wellstar’s employees will know how to respond in real scenarios with the confidence to interact appropriately and strategically.

The VR trainings that Moth+Flame offer, includes content focused on emotional intelligence. When learners put on their headsets, they inhabit and interact with immersive simulated environments. They decide in the moment how to respond and see for themselves the impact their words and decisions have on others—and reflect on how to improve. Trainees receive an empathy rating score at the end of their session.

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